One day on our summer vacation my mom, dad, me and the girls went to visit my Uncle Dick at one of his cabins. It is a very rural, secluded area, whose only access was a trail through the woods. And I said trail because an actual dirt driveway would have been better. But it was fine. We survived the trail. The cabin was adjacent to a giant a giant blueberry farm. The adventure was pretty peaceful for the first few hours. The girls and I spent most of the morning on the couch resting. For such a rural place, it was very surprising for the peace to be disturbed, and disturbed it was.

Now keep in mind My Uncle Dick was a farm, has his own saw mill and is used to all sorts of loud equipment, a rest assured at this camp, at this location, there was supposed to be none of that. Well, there was something loud nearby, and getting nearer. Enough for my uncle to give one of his usual dysphemisms, "What the hell is that?". Well, he went outside to check. We remained inside. I guess his serenity was a priority. Well, 5 minutes went by. 10 minutes went by. The noise started up again, and like a train had that doppler effect coming, and going beyond. We began to wonder if we might have to start looking for a body in the woods. Shortly after that my uncle, thankfully, entered the cabin again.

And to our surprise, he had a bushel of crabs. Mind you it is not that close to the ocean. And he proceeded to show us why he can come out on top of any deal on anyone in real estate. You see, his "trail", which conveniently was ajdacent to the giant blueberry farm, was also the only access to that side of the farm, that wasn't miles away, or would require reducing acreage of the farm by building a road through the farm to the other side. That farmer must have known my uncle, the former farmer, and came prepared.

For the simple right of way to the backside of the farm, on my uncle's "trail", the farmer had turned my uncle's "trail" into a stone chip and gravel driveway, up to his cabin front door, where they had the discussion, when the noise stopped. But before the noise started up again, my uncle secured a little over an acre of blueberry field as part of the deal, oh, and a bushel of crabs.

So wait, I thought this was supposed to be about a puppy adventure right? Yeah, well that's where the photo for the week comes in. That's what I call the great blueberry hunters photo. What started as a quiet morning in the cabin, ended up as the rest of the day running around the blueberries. There's so little of anything else around to give perspective. So I like to think of them as giants in that picture. Blur it out a little and they could almost pass for a golden retriever and a doberman pinscher.

The Cabin in the Woods The Day of the Deal On the Couch
The Acres of Blueberries The Crabs Served Up The Deal Maker